Fear is a deadly thing in the lives of men and women. It is the single most disruptive force in individual lives no the planet today. It is the force behind all wars. It is the force behind murder and it the force underlying drugs and all addictive disorders that you see around you today. How, you may ask is fear the underlying force of so many things? First, you must recognize that fear comes in many forms and many stripes. In every case fear in human kind stems from early childhood events and family parenting beliefs and methods. I direct you again to the work of Alice Miler for an in-depth and detailed investigation and analysis of this subject. She shows how the patterns lead to the formation of the consciousness of the one called Hitler, a drug addict and a murderer. Her work warrants continued examination and workshops based on the material as well as the information that we will add to it.
However, let us not lay all the blame at the feet of the parents and the environment of the home. Let it be clearly understood that the individual brings into life al of his/her accumulated momentum. So, it is not just about how the parents treat a child that creates fear, it is also the way in which the child and later the adult responds. This is in some ways linked to certain genetic characteristics within the child, best understood as predispositions. Let it be understood that you always have choice in how you respond. Yes, it is true that as a child you do not have the choices that you have as an adult. However, you have the choices as an adult to respond differently to childhood issues as well as future issues.
Many of you may say that you have no choice about fear. That may be true to a certain degree, because you have not yet learned to move the energy around in your body, to displace it and thus dispel the fear. Be that as it may, you do have the choice as to how you respond to the fear. You have the choice of whether to let it overwhelm you or to face it and move forward. You have the choice of whether to be reactive or proactive. Every time you act out of reaction you depress the ability within to be proactive and master the fear.
As it has been said in other places, fear is the opposite of love. If you can understand the truth of this statement, you will understand why fear has its roots in early up bringing. It is in these early years that the foundation of love and spirit are manifest. At birth, the parents represent God to the new born. These early months and years set the condition for which love will grow and develop. If the child’s needs are met with abundance and gentleness and love the child will come to experience the world as a place of love and abundance. A place where all needs are adequately and fully met.
If the child is raised in an atmosphere of descention and anger and needs are not met then the spirit in the child is already in a state of retardation and deformity. Fear becomes the operating principle and may manifest itself in the individual as anger, depression, obsession, pessimism, withdrawn personality, and many more conditions that your psychologists have so thoroughly enumerated.
Let me state it here, very simply, very succinctly, all psychological disorders and conditions are the result of fear. Many will say that this is too simplistic. However, I tell you, it is the truth. Fear being the absence of love. Children today learn more readily that there is a greater abundance of fear in the world than there is love. Is that not a sad commentary on the condition of your planet?
Every institution that human kind has created today is filed with fear and anger. There are very few that can be pointed to as that have at their heart love. One of the only ones that we can point to as an institution that embodies love is Mother Teresa’s religious order. And look at how greatly she and her order have been criticized. Yes, if you love, you will be criticized. Why, because the love you exhibit is a mirror for the fear or the “not-love” that others see in themselves. Thus, they would shatter the mirror rather than let it reflect the condition of their souls back to them.
In these past weeks, you have experienced fear. You still struggle with it. I tell you that when you replace your fear with love you will know the peace, harmony, love, joy and abundance that you ask for each day. How do you replace the fear with love? First, do not own it. Do not make it part of yourself. Name it and put it outside of yourself. Examine where it is coming from. Fear of not having enough, fear of loss, fear of not being accepted, fear of looking bad to others, fear of dying, fear of being alone. None of these things are in fact true unless you give power to them.
Find a place of objectivity inside of yourself and examine the fear. Name it. Then, create an affirmation that is the antidote to the fear.
Fear of not enough: “God provides for my every need and I am receiving the abundance of the universe in my life in every perfect way.”
Thank God, thank the universe, thank the angels, thank Mother Earth for filing your every need and accept the fulfillment with prayer and gratitude. This is how you counteract the fear in your life. Only by acting in such a way can you begin to master the fears and conditions that it brings.
Remember, we are very close and hear your every word. We cannot act however, until we are commanded into action. We cannot just give you what we think you need. You must make your needs known to us. We also, cannot give you what would cause you harm of bring karma to you. That is why it is always best to give us permission to deliver it to you in the “most perfect” way.
I admonish you now to take command of your fear. Do not be children when you are verging on becoming masters. Do not let your fears ruin what you have worked so long and hard for. I promise you that mastering your fears will bring you such love and light and abundance as you have never dreamed. When you fill yourself with love instead of fear, you become the manifested of your own needs and the fulfillment of your own destiny. You are then the master. Take my words to heart. Practice them. Do not doubt that Great Spirit will be the loving parent to you that yours may never have been. Great Spirit and Mother Earth will provide for you always in the most perfect ways that will let your soul flourish and your love grow. Trust in that and never doubt that it is so.
It is good to be speaking through you again my son. There is much to say, much to write. I shall be ever present and ready to respond to your needs, your questions, your longings. Never doubt that for a moment.
In all of my LOVE and LIGHT, I bless you now.