Gautama's Real Message

In the past few years a concept has emerged that we are living in a hologram or a computer simulation. Such concepts as these reminded me of Gautama’s profound message to his followers, that “this reality is an illusion.”

That made me go back to his teachings to see what he was really saying about life on Earth. As I read through the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, the Precepts and the Five Mindfulness trainings, I was struck by a message he was giving us that seems to have been totally missed. 

By taking Gautama’s teachings and turning them into a religion or religious beliefs, the profound message of his teachings has been lost. But, what was that profound message? In order to really understand his message, you have to let go of the “religious” aspect of it. 

His truth of his teachings was a message of “LIBERTY.”

Liberty? What liberty? 

To begin this discussion, let’s get rid of the religious things right now, because his message was not a message about God or religion or walking a “Path” or anything like what it has been turned into. Rather his message was a dire warning about this environment we have been trapped in and how to get free from it.

Gautama had come to understand that we were trapped in a situation, in a place where we were not supposed to be. In a place he told us was the source of our suffering. He may not have been able to articulate the nature of what this place actually was, but he knew that it was a place of pain and suffering and he was determined to discover the way to escape it.

The situation that he perceived is what some of us, today, call the 3D world or 3D matrix. We don’t belong here, yet, we are trapped here and have long forgotten that we don’t belong here or how to get out. 

Here is the message that Gautama gave us and the pathway he articulated for us follow if we are to escape the confines of this prison.

First, Gautama told us what this place was. He said that “It is an illusion.“ Meaning it is not real. This knowledge sets the stage for the understanding of his basic message.

The Four Noble Truths

First Noble Truth:
Life on this Earth means suffering.

Second Noble Truth:
Attach to things of this Earth is the origin of suffering.

Third Noble Truth:
The end of suffering is attainable.

Fourth Noble Truth:
There is a path to Liberty and an end of suffering.

The Four Noble Truths tell us that there is something unhealthy about this environment –– there is suffering, something causes us to be attached to it, but there is a way out of it.

The Eightfold Path

The way to end suffering and the way to liberty and freedom from this environment is by keeping and practicing these principles:

1. Right View
2. Right Intention
3. Right speech
4. Right action
5. Right livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right concentration

These eight item give us the keys to the path to liberty. But, . . .  we need more information about them so we know how to apply ourselves to their greatest advantage. 

The Disciplined Practices

Striving toward these goals as a practice in your life will assist you as you internalize the principles of the Eightfold Path and your upward journey to freedom from suffering and your  pathway to liberty from in this matrix:

The greatest achievement we should seek is Selflessness.
The greatest worth we should seek is Self-Mastery.
The greatest quality we should seek is Serving Others.
The greatest precept we should seek is Continual Awareness.
The greatest healing we should seek is the Emptiness of Everything..
The greatest action we should seek is Not Conforming to the Ways of the World.
The greatest magic we should seek is Transmuting the Passions.
The greatest generosity we should seek is Non-Attachment.
The greatest goodness we should seek is a Peaceful Mind.
The greatest patience we should seek is Humility.
The greatest effort we should seek is Being Unconcerned with Results
The greatest meditation we should seek is a Mind that Lets Go.
The greatest wisdom we should seek is Seeing Through Appearances.

Daily Disciplines

Practicing these five disciplines will assist you in your daily life of navigating your way to freedom and liberty.

Refrain from harming living beings, including the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals.
Refrain from taking things not freely given and engaging in exploitation, social injustice and oppression.
Refrain from sexual misconduct.
Refrain from engaging in false speech and failing to listening to others.
Refrain from overindulge in intoxicating drinks, drugs and other unmindful consumption.

The Path to Liberty

Following these guidelines and principles will lead you to freedom and liberty. These are not some religious tenets offering some mythical “heaven,” but serious work. It is your path to freedom from this 3D matrix, this trap, this prison. It is the liberty we have all been seeking. It is the life we are destined to regain –– that of the 5th Dimension World and beyond.

Sit with this information. Absorb it. Feel its power. Feel the longing for freedom of your consciousness and the liberty of your spirit. This path will lead you to who you really are and are meant to be.

Understand that you are Energy! You are Light! You are Source! 

Source is calling you home at this very moment. Source, through Gautama, is showing you the way out of this chaos, pain and suffering. Don’t wait! It yours for the taking. There is a whole Universe waiting to assist you!

Now is the time to begin your journey to freedom and liberty.